Preparing Your Dog for Post-Corona Life

For dog owners, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to catch up on snuggles and play times missed while working away from home. Wonderful as this precious time with our pets is, it will likely make returning to old routines especially difficult for both human and canine. The good news is there are steps you can take right now toward making that initial parting less stressful.
The main concern veterinarians have for our pets when it comes to post-Corona life is separation anxiety. Dogs are pack animals, and this extended time living in close quarters together reinforces those feelings of dependence and belonging. Just like your being home more disrupted their routine, being around less again will be another major change to their routine and environment.
Essentially the goal is to wean your dog off their expectation of and dependence on your company. You might start by working in another room with a gate they can see you through between you. From there, start leaving the house for a few minutes at a time. This could be just stepping outside of your front door. Extend that time a bit each day. Trainers suggest designating a spot for your dog, like a bed or rug, where you direct them to wait while you leave. You can also add positive reinforcement to your going away by giving your dog a treat or favorite toy to enjoy as you go. When you return, don’t make a big fuss over your reunion. You want to make your coming and going normal, not an energy-charged situation. Remember, the goal is making your absence as normal and stress-free as possible.
It is also important to ease the transition back into their old schedule. When will their feeding, walking, play time, and downtime be when you are back to work? Implement those activities at those times now while you are still home. Getting their internal clocks reset will help lessen stress and maintain a sense of normality while things change.
We all face changes in the wake of this pandemic, pets included. The better we prepare them now, the happier times will be later.
Here is wishing all our home buddies, human and pup alike, health, happiness, and safety at home until we see you again!