Missing Dog Action Plan

It’s a pet parent’s nightmare. Your beloved dog gets loose or goes missing. What do you do? First, don’t panic. Think about areas they are familiar with and begin looking there. Then you can take further action if necessary.
1) Start your search radius small. First comb your neighborhood/immediate vicinity. Alert your neighbors and recruit as many people as possible to help find your dog. Then think about favorite places. Where does your dog like to go? Search routes along the way to those spots. Have treats and favorite noise-making toys to help attract them.
2) If your dog is microchipped, contact the company to make sure your contact information is correct so anyone who finds your dog can reach you.
3) Contact your local Humane Society, pet rescue organizations, and animal control. Have a description ready to help them identify your dog should they be brought in.
4) Contact your vet and other local veterinarians. If your pet is found injured or malnourished and taken in for treatment, clinic staff can help identify them. These are also great places to post flyers.
5) Harness the power of social media. The more eyes helping identify and locate your dog, the better your chances of being reunited. Most cities have Facebook groups dedicated to reuniting lost pets with their owners.
6) Create physical flyers and/or signs with your dog’s photo, your contact info, and any other important information to post around your area.
7) Put up notices on Craigslist and other local message boards.
A little bit of preparation now can save you much heartache later. Be sure to keep your dog’s microchip, tags, and photos up to date. In the event they get away, you’ll have saved some precious time in bringing them home.