Resource Guarding

Does your dog have a toy, bed, or food bowl they protect from people or other animals? Do they growl, snap, or lunge when someone gets too close? This is resource guarding. It is when a dog places high value on something and act to prevent its being taken away. If not addressed with training early on, resource guarding can easily develop into dangerous aggressive behaviors. Whether you have a new puppy or an older dog who displays resource guarding tendencies, it is important for their safety and that of other people and animals to re-train that instinct.
Resource guarding is natural not only in dogs, but many species including humans. It is counterproductive to punish this instinct. Instead, train your dog to reframe how they think about the items they are protecting and those who might get near them.
If your dog is stealing items they should not have to begin with, the simplest solution is to block off their access. Keep things out of reach, locked away, etc. Each dog is different and shows different levels and signs of guarding behavior. Be sure to consult with a professional before attempting any potentially dangerous training techniques. For general training tips, check out these videos: