Clever Cleaning Hacks for Pet Messes

We love the clickety-clack of little paws in the kitchen and snuggles on the sofa, but we don’t always love the housekeeping involved with living alongside our canine pals. Try these quick cleaning hacks so you can spend less time wrestling the vacuum cleaner and more time playing with your pup.
Pet Hair
Probably the biggest pet peeve of dog ownership is shedding. Sometimes the vacuum isn’t enough to stay on top of it. Instead of mounting friction between you and your furry friend, use friction to clean those tricky areas around your home.
To remove dog hair from carpet, upholstery, curtains, car interiors, and fabrics, just rub the surface with a damp rubber glove, window squeegee, or scour pad on the back of a sponge. A dryer sheet or pumice stone can also get the job done.

How about your clothes? No lint roller handy? No problem! Wrap packing or duct tape around your hand and pat the hair right off.
Bonus tip: Adding a small amount of pure coconut oil to a dog’s food can help reduce excess shedding and give your pet a shiny coast. Excess shedding could be due to insufficient diet as well. Always consult a veterinarian before changing your dog’s diet.
Paw Prints
Muddy paws from indoor/outdoor traffic can be curbed by keeping a tray of room temperature water and a towel by the door. This is especially useful in winter weather to get any salt or de-icing agents off your dog’s feet. No tracks through the house. No expensive treatment for chemical burns. It’s a win-win!
If you own a dog, you’ll likely encounter the occasional “accident.” Whether it’s a puppy in housetraining, a sick or elderly dog, or just a very excited one, you can take care of the mess without harsh chemicals while keeping your home smelling fresh.
If your pup potties or vomits on the carpet, simply sprinkle a layer of baking soda directly onto the spot. The baking soda will not only absorb the moisture, but it will also neutralize the smell. Allow the powder to dry, then sweep it up with a vacuum.
For older or more stubborn stains, mix a 1:1 ratio of hydrogen peroxide (35%) and water. Spray the solution over the stain and cover it with a dry towel, then run a hot iron over the towel. This creates steam which helps loosen and lift the stain. Continue this until the spot is dry. You may need to reposition the towel a couple of times in order to absorb all the moisture.
If there’s no hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet, turn to your kitchen. Apple cider vinegar in a 1:1 ratio with water is a great pet-friendly all-purpose cleaner. Use it to blot away stains from linens, upholstery, and carpet, or sanitize surfaces like hardwood floors, tile, and counters. You can even splash some in the washing machine to eliminate pet odors from dog beds and furniture covers.
Of course, the best-case scenario is avoiding the need to clean up at all. To deter the habit of doing their business indoors, try this natural mist. Although the fresh scent of orange smells great to humans, dogs are not so keen and will avoid things that smell citrusy. Mix:
1 ½ cups Water
2 tablespoons White Vinegar
20 drops Orange Essential Oil
Also try spraying your trash cans, rugs, and any other tempting areas for your pup to make a mess. Prevent the problem with perfume!
Bonus Tip: Always use ammonia- and industrial chemical-free products as these pose serious health risks to animals.
Messy Eating
Dogs aren’t the tidiest diners, and kibble can get into all sorts of unexpected places. Catch food and water with a lipped tray. You can even use your pet’s sloppiness to water your plants.

What are your favorite pet-friendly cleaning tips, tricks, and products?